You get a Fallout Crossover! And YOU get a Fallout Crossover!

Over the past day or so, news leaked about a set of Fallout cosmetics that apparently will be coming to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone at some point in the future. About a week ago, a new Fortnite update brought the addition of Fallout gear to the perennial battle royale. They say “good things come in threes,” and while I don’t know if this is necessarily a good thing (though I’m sure neither Microsoft nor Bethesda [and probably mostly Microsoft] probably doesn’t mind raking in call the licensing cash), I do wonder what kind of oddball crossover could make a trio of this strange sort come to fruition. Hmmmm…

FFXIV x Fallout!

Video from YouTube user FINAL FANTASY XIV.

I may be a relative newcomer to Final Fantasy XIV, but I’ve seen enough the strange collaborations that have occurred within the game to know that…hey…why not Fallout?! Most of the crossovers I’m aware of (which aren’t that many, so take my opinion as you will) tend to take place within the FF universe; however, they’ve done events featuring Nier: Automata, Monster Hunter, and most currently, Fall Guys. As utterly ridiculous as it sounds, would look, and feels, hey, why not show Fallout some FF love, too? At the very least, how about adding a Corvega mount? Oh yeah!

Mortal Kombat x Fallout!

Video from YouTube user GameSpot.

With as many pop culture figures that now populate the Mortal Kombat universe – from Freddy Kruger to Rambo to Homelander of The Boys fame – at some point, a Brotherhood knight in T-60 power armor has got to make it onto the roster at some point, right? Maybe a feisty ghoul, and rambunctious vault dweller-turned-survivor with Dogmeat, of course? I suppose that maybe the TV show would need to really take off, and then there’d need to be a couple movies, and maybe a Fallout theme park before any MK additions happen. (Ooo…a Fallout theme park! How I digress…)

LEGO x Fallout!

Oh wait…somebody already did it!

Video from YouTube user ThrillDaWill.

Never mind anything I was even thinking of writing, I’m gonna go play this!

The Sims 4 x Fallout!

So, this is already a thing of its own, too – using The Sims 4‘s current resources to emulate the world of Fallout. Here’s one of the more recent takes:

Video from YouTube user FakeGamerGirl.

The notion of anything happening between EA and Bethesda is downright hilarious, but consider The Sims 4: Apocalypse. Updates to The Sims 4 have given players nearly every aspect of life…and death…to play around with in simulated fashion, so why not add the end of the world into the mix?  Imagine unleashing your Sims upon a wasteland that they must rebuild and repopulate. It’d be just like playing as usual, only with fewer trees and parks and working shopping malls, at least initially. Just watch out for radiation and stay away from water!

Super Mario 64 x Fallout!

Video from YouTube user Virtual Bastion.

Okay, this one isn’t really a crossover, but I recently learned that Super Mario 64 has an active modding community, so…I’d like to request that someone make one that puts Mario into power armor whenever he dons the metal cap. I REALLY just want to run around the Hazy Mazy Cave in power armor because, well, the sound is already right, and Mario just needs to look the part. Kthxbye!

Lede image taken by Hatm0nster.

This post was written with love and only slightly tongue-in-cheekily. Honestly, it’s great to see so much Fallout fandom in the wilds now. If you’re a fan, where else in the world would you like to see the Fallout flag fly?