The Gravity Trickster: Demo Review

The Gravity Trickster is a puzzle-platformer where you play as a robot and navigate floating stages to collect keys and reach the exit.  The full game is 150 levels, while the demo spans 10 of those.  Various hazards include slippery ice, dark levels with low visibility, and electrical panels that appear when you approach.  You…

I’m Glad to See Demos Making a Comeback

With games getting ever more expensive and often in new and “exciting” ways, having the chance to try before you buy is extremely valuable. I needn’t list off the merits to you, as there’s really only one that matters: getting to see if the game is actually for you or not. Some games sound great…

Combing the Commonwealth, Again?

When I restarted Fallout 4 after its “next-gen” update in late April, I didn’t have much of an agenda. Maybe I’d save the Commonwealth, maybe not. Mainly, I wanted to see what, if anything, had changed thanks to the update. Comparing screenshots, I guess the game looks better? The environments are a bit more vibrant,…

Helldivers 2 Delisted in a Bunch of Countries

If you’ve been following Helldivers 2 at all, then you’re probably already aware of the ongoing controversy surrounding the PSN linking requirement. I’m mostly tired of it myself, so I’m not really here to recap all of it. Rather, I just want to comment on this latest story and see what your thoughts on all…

Resonance: First Steps

Unravel is a puzzle-platformer starring a little guy made of red yarn named Yarny who travels through (mostly) natural landscapes and revisits the memories of an old woman.  It can sometimes be a rather emotional game, though not always for the reasons intended by the developers.  As I progressed through the game, I actually struggled…

Dropping the ‘To-Do’ List

Last week, I talked about Helldivers 2 and how much of a blast it’s been. Well, here we are another week later and it’s still all I wanna play. It’s sort of a problem in that there are other games I’m “supposed” to be playing and making progress on; games like Alone in the Dark…

Fallout 4 Then Versus Now: A Very Unscientific Screenshot Comparison

Call me gullible, or curious, or something in between, but thanks to the new Amazon Fallout series, I have joined the throngs in returning to the Fallout games’ various wastelands. The TV show, enjoyable as it is, however, is only one part of the bandwagon equation. The other is that Bethesda released last week its…

Helldivers 2 to See Several Weapon Tweaks Soon

As fun as it is, Helldivers 2 isn’t without its flaws. What the team over at Arrowhead has accomplished with the game so far is absolutely commendable, but I’d be lying if I said that the bug list wasn’t becoming distracting, especially the ones affecting some of the weapons. Fortunately though, it seems some of…