The Gravity Trickster: Demo Review

The Gravity Trickster is a puzzle-platformer where you play as a robot and navigate floating stages to collect keys and reach the exit.  The full game is 150 levels, while the demo spans 10 of those.  Various hazards include slippery ice, dark levels with low visibility, and electrical panels that appear when you approach.  You…

Combing the Commonwealth, Again?

When I restarted Fallout 4 after its “next-gen” update in late April, I didn’t have much of an agenda. Maybe I’d save the Commonwealth, maybe not. Mainly, I wanted to see what, if anything, had changed thanks to the update. Comparing screenshots, I guess the game looks better? The environments are a bit more vibrant,…

Resonance: First Steps

Unravel is a puzzle-platformer starring a little guy made of red yarn named Yarny who travels through (mostly) natural landscapes and revisits the memories of an old woman.  It can sometimes be a rather emotional game, though not always for the reasons intended by the developers.  As I progressed through the game, I actually struggled…

Fallout 4 Then Versus Now: A Very Unscientific Screenshot Comparison

Call me gullible, or curious, or something in between, but thanks to the new Amazon Fallout series, I have joined the throngs in returning to the Fallout games’ various wastelands. The TV show, enjoyable as it is, however, is only one part of the bandwagon equation. The other is that Bethesda released last week its…

Tetragon: Demo Review

Tetragon is a 2D puzzle game that follows the story of a father looking for his missing son.  The demo covers a good handful of these puzzles, all of which take place within a square-shaped space.  While your character cannot jump, he can climb and utilize two tools for changing his environment.  First off, you…

Angst and Admiration Abound in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

It seems like only yesterday that I began tackling the weird and wild world of law under the guise of fresh-faced defense attorney Apollo Justice. In fact, it’s been a few months since I began that journey thanks to the Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy for the Switch, and it just recently concluded. When I…

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince is a Beautiful Dream

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince follows three heroes, Amadeus the wizard, Pontius the knight, and Zoya the thief on their quest to find Prince Selius and figure out a solution to the young man’s rampant nightmare magic.  The game is a puzzle-platformer, and thanks to each character’s unique moveset, there are multiple ways to progress…