Blogs We Like!

If you like Virtual Bastion, then we think you’ll like these blogs too! Why not take a couple minutes and check ’em out?


The latest gaming news, trailers, and release dates right at your fingertips! All presented with that trademark GamerCrash flair!

Link Saves Zelda

First impressions of the latest games and hardware, and all manner of musings from a long-time gamer. It’s informational *and* thought-provoking!

Objection Network

Anything and everything to do with pop culture, approached from a somewhat zany (but delightfully entertaining) perspective.

Recollections of Play

Musings on life, with an eye towards gaming and music, all seasoned with a dash of nostalgia, a pinch of sarcasm, and a dollop of candor.


Gaming, fashion, and anime as seen by a girl who’s a relative newcomer to games, but quite knowledgeable about all of it.

The Duck of Indeed

Gaming, cooking, cosplay, Disneyland, and above all, randomness!  The Duck of Indeed covers just about everything, infused with a bit of goofiness for good measure!