The In-Between Times

With having spent most of y gaming time in Helldivers 2 lately, I’ve found myself in kind of an awkward position when it comes to what to play at the moment. See, there are not one, but two games coming out this week (will be out by the time this is published): Animal Well and Crow Country. Both are smaller indie titles, both look like a blast…and neither is out until Thursday. Which leaves me with a kind of annoying question to answer: what to play in the meantime?

I suppose the thing to do would be to just keep hanging out in Helldivers 2 for the time-being. I mean, it’s still a blast, but it’s mostly a “with friends” game for me. I also kind of want to step away from it for a minute while they sort out bugs and get the new warbond up and running. It is an option though.

I’ve also had my thoughts going to some of my old games lately. I dunno, those old copies of Metroid Prime and Luigi’s Mansion are looking pretty good right about now. Luigi’s Mansion in particular is sounding like a good idea since it’s a fairly short romp. I also had taken it upon myself to practically memorize the whole game back in the Gamecube days, so it’d be fun to see just how much of it is still there.

It’s not a really a big problem all things considered of course. There’s just a few days to wait and plenty of options in the meantime. I suppose my goal in writing this is to ask what you all do when you find yourself between games and looking forward to an imminent release. Do you just hang out in whatever you’re playing already or do start up something short?

So, yeah. What are you looking forward to this month? What’ve you been playing in the meantime?

Image from the Animal Well Steam page

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