You Know What? The Console Wars are Pretty Dumb

Isn’t it kind of silly that this is still going on? Heck, it was silly all the way back in the 90’s when many of us were still just dumb kids. Yet, somehow it’s endured and it still inspires feelings strong enough to manifest outside of the internet. I actually had a brush with it out in the real world this week, and all I can think now after the fact is how…dumb the concept is. Seriously, what is this weird tribe-like mentality surrounding the assorted gaming platforms?

Now, it’s not as though I don’t understand loyalty to a platform; I vaguely remember hating Xbox for no good reason back in the early 2000s for “daring” to intrude on PlayStation’s and Nintendo’s turf. But, I was a dumb kid then and that was a dumb thing. I missed out on the early Xbox days because of it, and I kind of regret my younger self’s short-sightedness there. Platform preference is fine of course. Heck, I still spend most ofmy gaming hours on PlayStation.

But, that doesn’t mean I think Xbox, PC and Switch are garbage. Quite the opposite. Theyall have their strengths and lots of great titles in their respective libraries. This is a sentiment shared by most of my gaming friends and other fans I’ve encountered over the years, so I kind of thought “console wars” was over. Yet, it would seem that they are, in fact, not.

This week I encountered what I would describe as a Nintendo super fan, the kind of dude who knows all sorts of obscure facts about assorted Nintendo games and has no problem talking about them at length. That’s all well and good; it’s even impressive in away. However, just because someone has a preference for Nintendo doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t play other stuff. After all, console wars are stupid, right? Well, not to everyone it seems.

I made the mistake of asking this dude if he was going to be playing Elden Ring this week, earning some (very deserved?) ridicule for it. The answer was a very confused, borderline offended “no.” This guy played Nintendo and only Nintendo and had a very dim view of the rest of gaming, to the point that it (apparently) should have been obvious to everyone that, no, he did not, in fact, play anything besides Nintendo.

I just let it go at the time. Enjoy your Nintendo if that’s what you like, you know? But I still find that attitude very strange, especially now. No gaming company has a spotless reputation, and none of them are above exploiting their customers in some way. Nintendo is just as guilty as the rest of them. Heck, you could argue that it’s worse in some ways. But that’s not the point here. The point is that it doesn’t benefit you to ride or die for Nintendo or really any one platform holder.

They’re all the same, and all you’re doing by buying into the old “us vs. them” mentality is denying yourself great gaming experiences and giving your platform of choice free reign to be as cruddy and exploitive as possible. After all, why should they improve if they’ve got fans that’ll buy their stuff and defend them no matter what?

This is, of course, just my opinion though. Many people can only afford one platform or only have enough time or interest for only one, so maybe that’s where the mentality is coming from these days. Even so, I was very surprised to encounter it outside of the internet and even more so to hear from a dude around my own age.

How do you feel about the console wars? Do think they have their place or serve some good purpose?

Image is official promo art

7 Comments Add yours

  1. doomfan1 says:

    I luckily never got into console war nonsense as a kid. By the time I was 10 years old (in 2004) I had played games on the following platforms:

    • The Nintendo 64
    • The PlayStation 1
    • The Game Boy (and Game Boy Color)
    • Windows (Windows 95 and Windows 98: Second Edition)
    • The Nintendo Entertainment System
    • The Sega Genesis/Mega Drive
    • Arcade Games
    • The PlayStation 2
    • The Game Boy Advance
    • The (original) Xbox
    • The Nintendo GameCube
    • The Nintendo DS

    Phil Spencer constantly praises Nintendo, so what is the point of immature console war nonsense? The articles below took me 7 seconds to find:

    Microsoft’s Phil Spencer full of praise for Nintendo | Nintendo Insider (

    Head Of Xbox Phil Spencer Praises Upcoming Nintendo Switch Exclusive Game (

    Head of Xbox Phil Spencer Praises The Legend of Zelda Franchise (

    Nintendo Is “A Jewel” In The Industry And Has The Best First-Party Pedigree, Says Xbox Boss | Nintendo Life

    Xbox lead Phil Spencer commends Nintendo’s risk-taking in new documentary | Windows Central

    And a bonus article about Doug Bowser and Xbox:

    Nintendo Boss Showers Praise On ‘Great Relationship’ With Xbox & Microsoft | Pure Xbox

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hatm0nster says:

      I remember the console war thing as an old holdover from the Sega vs Nintendo days of the early 90s. Didn’t stop me from playing Playstation, but like I said, it interfered with Xbox. Good thing it didn’t get in your way. You’ve got a great trove of gaming experience now for having avoided it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. doomfan1 says:

        I know, I view the console wars as a juvenile and tech focused version of organized sports (i.e., someone rooting for the New York Yankees and then someone else rooting for the Boston Red Sox).

        “You’ve got a great trove of gaming experience now for having avoided it.”

        Yes, definitely. I even taught myself how to use Linux (as an adult), so I never got into the operating system wars either. Lol. I find it ironic though the first time I played on a Sega console was at my orthodontist’s office. At least the console wars produced one of the best commercials ever though lol

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hatm0nster says:

          Agreed. That one will always be fire!

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Ben Berwick says:

    I love Nintendo, and they are my favourites, hosting some of my all-time favourite games. That said, I enjoy quite a few PS5 games too, as well as PC games. I must admit, when I was younger, I was a bit polarised towards Nintendo, but then again, I’d make use of a friend’s Megadrive when the opportunity arose.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hatm0nster says:

      I still played Sega Genesis at my grandparent’s house too. Funny how that mentality manifested back in the day. Perhaps just all too effective marketing?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ben Berwick says:

        Oh most probably. The marketing was pretty aggressive at times!

        Liked by 1 person

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