Warhammer 40k: Inquisitor – Martyr Adds Offline Mode

Fans of the Warhammer 40k-themed RPG: Warhammer 40k: Inquisitor – Martyr (man that’s a long name!) got a great piece of news from developer NeocoreGames recently. Not only will the game be getting a new class, the “Hierophant,” this October, but starting last week, the game is now playable offline!

Video from YouTube channel: NeocoreGames

Offline Mode came as a free update to the game and basically functions as a separate game mode. This means that in-progress characters cannot be used in offline mode, and characters started in offline mode cannot be brought into the normal online mode. As for the differences between the modes besides offline vs online, offline mode lacks seasonal content and all online features like leaderboards and such. It exists merely as a way to enjoy the game without an internet connection.

I kind of find it wild that we’ve reached the point in gaming where the addition of an “offline” mode to a single-player RPG is seen as a major development, but here we are. Games are mostly online now for the most part, for better or worse. I think mostly for worse since the drip feed of seasonal content never seems to be as good as the old complete package with mayyybe one or two expansions post-launch model was, but then that might just be the old man gamer in me.

What’s your take on this?

Image from the Steam page