Crow Country Doesn’t Quite Make it Back to Old School Horror

After playing through Crow Country’s brief demo a couple of months ago, I was eagerly looking forward to playing the full version. Classically-styled survival-horror is some thing of a rarity these days, so I’ll pursue it anywhere I can find it. So far, Resident Evil 7, Tormented Souls and Signalis have all provided great experiences…

The In-Between Times

With having spent most of y gaming time in Helldivers 2 lately, I’ve found myself in kind of an awkward position when it comes to what to play at the moment. See, there are not one, but two games coming out this week (will be out by the time this is published): Animal Well and…

Hatmonster’s Most Anticapted Games for 2024 and Beyond

You know, there was once a time when you could make a list like this for just the coming year. There were enough games confirmed for it that you could confidently talk about what you were looking forward to playing within the next few months or so. Now though? Now release dates tend to be…