Top 10 Creepiest Dredge Aberrations

In a unique little fishing game called Dredge, there’s always this uneasy sense that something is not right.  And one of the most obvious examples of this are the aberrations, bizarre and sometimes outright grotesque mutations of normally mundane fish.  Having now gotten 100% of the trophies in the main game, I was required to…

Dredge is a Seemingly Relaxing Fishing Game with an Eerie Undercurrent

Dredge is an intriguing fishing game where something sinister lurks beneath the surface.  Shortly after you are hired as the fisherman for a sleepy little town by the name of Greater Marrow, you soon catch on that something’s not right.  People warn you not to go out after dark.  The mayor asks you to deliver…

Dredge: Demo Review

On the surface, Dredge seems like a relaxing fishing game where you’ve been recently hired as the new fisherman for the coastal town of Greater Marrow.  But something is clearly amiss amongst these idyllic isles when you start to catch strange fish and uncover eerie mysteries, such as tales of a mayor who went insane…