The Gravity Trickster: Demo Review

The Gravity Trickster is a puzzle-platformer where you play as a robot and navigate floating stages to collect keys and reach the exit.  The full game is 150 levels, while the demo spans 10 of those.  Various hazards include slippery ice, dark levels with low visibility, and electrical panels that appear when you approach.  You…

Resonance: First Steps

Unravel is a puzzle-platformer starring a little guy made of red yarn named Yarny who travels through (mostly) natural landscapes and revisits the memories of an old woman.  It can sometimes be a rather emotional game, though not always for the reasons intended by the developers.  As I progressed through the game, I actually struggled…

Tetragon: Demo Review

Tetragon is a 2D puzzle game that follows the story of a father looking for his missing son.  The demo covers a good handful of these puzzles, all of which take place within a square-shaped space.  While your character cannot jump, he can climb and utilize two tools for changing his environment.  First off, you…

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince is a Beautiful Dream

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince follows three heroes, Amadeus the wizard, Pontius the knight, and Zoya the thief on their quest to find Prince Selius and figure out a solution to the young man’s rampant nightmare magic.  The game is a puzzle-platformer, and thanks to each character’s unique moveset, there are multiple ways to progress…

How My Sleepy Adult Self Has Changed as a Gamer

As we near the end of our roughly two-month anniversary celebration, we are tasked now with taking a good hard look at our ourselves to decide how we, as gamers, have changed over the last decade.  Not only do I hope that I’ve grown in skill (though it’s doubtful), but my preferences have changed, as…

My Interest in AAA Games, and New Consoles, Has Only Decreased

Back on June 9 of 2013, I wrote a long rant entitled, well, “A Rant Concerning My Growing Indifference to New Games, Plus Why Game Stores and New Consoles Can Irritate Me”.  It was apparently listed as my ninth ever post on the blog, and I pretty much ranted about the exact things listed in…

The Duck’s Ten Best Games of the Last Ten Years

Ten years have gone by, and now it’s time to list the Duck’s ten very favorite games from the last decade, ranging from horror to Metroidvania to expansive adventure and platformer games.  The last decade saw the release of some pretty amazing games from well-known series, along with a whole bunch of amazing indie gems. …

Staying Motivated: Why Gaming Became My World

Seeing as Virtual Bastion has been going strong for more than a decade, with the same team of three since the very beginning, there must be a pretty good reason why we’ve kept chugging along all these years when many other blogs have long since closed their doors.  For me, I think I have to…