About Us

Screenshot by Flickr User: pressakey.com

Born of a collaborative effort between Cary, The Duck of Indeed, and Hatm0nster, Virtual Bastion is a space focused on enthusiastic and civil discussion of video games. We’re here to talk about what’s going on in the industry as well as the common experiences we all face and share as gamers. We’re here to celebrate all the fun and greatness of the gaming experience as well as reflect upon the frustrations and shadiness that accompany it.

We’re always willing to collaborate with our fellow bloggers too! See our FAQs page for more details! (Or just email us at wegameunited@gmail.com)

Our Writers


Hatm0nster has been blogging for just under 6 years now, mostly with Virtual Bastion. He’s been gaming since the days of the SNES and enjoys talking about games even more than he does playing them. He currently tolerates his day to day work since it enables him to continue gaming  (as well as remaining fed and sheltered), but is working towards a career somewhere in the games journalism sector. He particularly enjoys writing about our common gaming experiences and all the wonderful things about gaming that keep us playing. Oh, and annoyances, can’t forget those!

Hatm0nster’s Most Anticipated Games for 2018:

God of War, Super Smash Bros., Yoshi, and Detroit: Become Human


Cary is a relative newcomer to the world of disseminating thoughts in electronic form. She’s been running her own blog, Recollections of Play, since late 2011 and has contributed articles to Objection Network and DISK READ ERROR. She’s an avid gamer who is more than thrilled to now be associated with United We Game. By day, she maintains herself with the utmost composure at a regular job. By night, she madly plays the latest and greatest of video games! Er…well, maybe not the “greatest,” and…uh, hardly the “latest.” And…yeah, gaming really only happens when time permits [sigh]. But still! When she isn’t gaming, she’s probably writing about games, or watching something about games, or perhaps just thinking about games. With her UWG cohorts, she’ll be supplying various articles on gaming. From recalling of past events to ranting about current issues, nothing, when it comes to video games, is off limits.

The Duck of Indeed

The Duck of Indeed has been playing video games, or watching her parents play video games, since ducklinghood.  For her, gaming is not a hobby.  It’s a way of life.  Nearly everything she does has been invaded by the influence of video games, whether it be blogging, fan fiction, cosplay, decorating the house (they’re not action figures, they’re works of art!), Youtube-ing…or just dreaming about video games, asleep or awake.  Some might say she thinks about gaming more than is normal for a human.  But that’s okay.  Because she’s not human, she’s a duck.  You can also visit her personal blog, The Duck of Indeed.

Our Affiliates


Derek – Gamer Crash

Derek has been a gaming enthusiast since he was little when his parents brought home a NES system. Little did they know the world they had unlocked for him. Growing up mainly on Nintendo systems, Derek has since broadened his gaming selections to basically whatever he can get his hands on. You can find him acting as Editor-In-Chief over at GamerCrash.com, where he provides his opinion on just about everything including some insight on the latest news, game reviews, and everything else in between. Derek also writes articles for GameRant.com! Check ’em out if you have time!

DinaMom’s Gonna Snap

Dina is a full time gaming mom.  Video games entered her life at a young age and she has been gaming well over a decade or two.  She enjoys gaming with her family and currently covers a variety of subjects, including video games, on her YouTube channel: Mom’s Gonna Snap. She’s also quite a BioWare enthusiast, with Jade Empire, Mass Effect and Dragon Age sitting right at the top of her list of favorite series.
Being a parent has limited her time for gaming but she still manages to enjoy a couple of hours on weekends.

12 Comments Add yours

  1. fminuzzi says:

    Don’t know if you’ve received one of these before, but I’ve been enjoying this blog, so I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award http://teawithflo.com/2013/05/31/sunshine-blogger-award/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. duckofindeed says:

      Thank you very much!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Cain Jones says:

    How might somebody contribute to this wonderful organisation? Is there an inside (wo)man I can speak with?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. duckofindeed says:

      Thank you for your interest in our humble blog. Contributing to UWG is easy. If my fellow admins and I think your writing fits with what this blog is about, then you can become a new contributor. Just email us at wegameunited@gmail.com and we can take a look at your blog.


      1. Cain Jones says:

        I have sent the e-mail as suggested, thank you for helping out! Hope to hear from you soon.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. duckofindeed says:

        Thanks, your email has been received. We should be getting back to you shortly.


  3. Hey, just wanted to say thanks a lot for the follow! I’ve been enjoying your collab blog. Keep up the good fight.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Well, it’s happened… I nominated Hatm0nster for one of these Liebster Awards. Have fun networking!


  5. Saiagirl says:

    Omg! Website is so beautiful!! I’ve been missing out! Lol. 💜

    Liked by 1 person

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